Alamo City House Rabbits
in San Antonio, Texas
Unfortunately, we are currently at full capacity for fostering rabbits. We can only consider rabbit trapping or rehoming on a case by case basis. If you know of a rabbit that needs to be rehomed or know the location of stray rabbits please send an email to [email protected].
Alamo City House Rabbits is a 501(c) 3 non-profit. We were formed in October 2015 as a Facebook group to support those in the San Antonio area who share their home and life with rabbits as indoor companion animals. Domestic rabbits are intelligent and social creatures that for too long have been relegated to backyard hutches.
Alamo City House Rabbits promotes education and outreach to increase awareness of rabbits as spayed or neutered indoor-only pets. We have activities such as Hoppy Hour, monthly adoption events, and education events.
ACHR operates on three principles – Education, Rescue, and Adoption. We fully support the philosophy and principles of the House Rabbit Society, a national companion rabbit advocacy
and rescue group.

Late February 2021 ACHR was informed of 2 stray rabbits in a neighborhood on the NW side of town. Two Californians (Romeo and Juliet) had been strays for quite a while. At the time of her rescue, Juliet was pregnant and had 11 babies the day after being rescued. Due to malnourishment only four of her babies survived. The two Californians above, Sprout and Sunny, are two of these four surviving babies. They are a bonded pair and are both laidback and super friendly. They have blossomed thanks to their fosterer Julie Gierka.
Bonded Pairs
Adopting a bonded pair is a wonderful idea as each bunny already has their best friend with them. Bonding two bunnies can take a lot of time and patience and sometimes the bond will never occur. By adopting an already bonded pair all the work of bonding the two bunnies has already been done and you get two bunnies that love each other. Bonded pairs provide comfort to each other and they always have a playmate for those times when life get busy!
If you are interested in meeting any of our bonded pairs please send an email to [email protected].