See the House Rabbit Society
recommended supply list also:
Alamo City
House Rabbits
- Exercise pen – Midwest brand 30” high, at a minimum, with walk through door, 4’ square.
- Flooring if on carpet or hard wood / laminate – heavy vinyl flooring, 6’ square, or a flat carpet to cover your flooring. Throw rugs or fleece blanket for xpen.
- Extra large cat litter box (no hood). Walmart sells a gray one for $6.
- Heavy ceramic water and food dishes (water: 2-4cup approx.) (food:1 cup approx.) NO water bottles.
- Litter for box – Tractor Supply Horse Bedding Pellets (40lbs for $6) or you can use Carefresh or Feline Pine from pet store but more expensive, or puppypee pads. – NO shaved pine pieces deodorizers, no colors, baking soda, clumping cat litters, or gravel litter.
- Hay – Timothy Hay (preferred) or orchard grass. You can add oat hay and alfalfa as treats. ACHR sells Timothy and Orchard Grass. $20 for 2 flakes –Timothy averages 10-12 lbs; orchard grass averages 8 lbs. You can also find quality hay online – Small Pet Select or Oxbow (50 lb. box is most economical).
- Pelleted Food – Oxbow Essentials or the preferred brand Sherwood Pet Health ( Sherwood is available thru Amazon as well. Do NOT buy rabbit food with the treats in it.
- Carrier – Top opening is a must. Pet Mate 19” is ideal for average size rabbits (large breeds like Californians, New Zealand’s, Flemish Giants need the 24”).
- Hidey box – Large cardboard box with cut outs, or a sturdy plastic footstool.
- Grooming supplies – brush (SleekEZ / Groom Ninja for short hair breeds, Hair buster comb for long hair breeds), cat nail clippers, Kwik Stop.
- Newspaper for lining the litter box (if using) and white vinegar for cleaning.
- First aid basics (House Rabbit Resource Network sell a great basic kit for $20.
- Toys and Supplies.
- Binky Bunny
- Napoleon Bunnyparte
- Happy Rabbit Toys
- House Rabbit Society Hop Shop
Rabbit Myths